
Located in the Municipality of Bingerville, Elokate sector.
- The Ebrié lagoon is on the southern boundry of Riyadh City
- Riyadh City is 1 kilometre from the road that leads to Grand-Bassam via the Eloka ferry
- Bingerville becomes part of the greater Abidjan suburbs and is currently benefiting from specific investment and development interest due to its geographical location and strategic importance
- Bingerville is ideally located to benefit from social and middle-income housing
- Bingerville, Elokate sector has land ideally suited for such development
- Riyadh City, located in the Municipality of Bingerville, Elokate sector has been chosen by GAIA CÔTE D’IVOIRE as an ideal location for the first project to assist the government’s policy of production of socio-economic and luxury housing
The site of the operation covers a total area of 28.1017 hectares with full property development rights